GAIN PhD Network for early career researchers
We aim to create a space where PhD students and early career researchers in Gender Studies at the University of Vienna come together for discussion, mutual support and to build research synergies. We are looking forward to organizing opportunities for peer feedback, as well as topical or methodological workshops. The first meeting will be held on the 24th June at 6pm via Zoom to get connected and plan further activities – for which ideas are welcome! If you are interested, write a short E-Mail to and we will get in touch!
Idea, concept and coordination:
Giul Andrighetto and Maria Sagmeister
Picture by Omar Flores via Unsplash
Upcomming meetings
Please check back for further details or get in touch via
First meeting
First meeting
24th June 2021
The first meeting of the GAIN PhD Network successfully took place on the 24th of June. Fellow students from five faculties enthusiastically took part in the meeting. This active participation speaks for the volume of students currently working with(in) Gender Studies at the University of Vienna and for their commitment to further expand this field´s interdisciplinary entanglements. We are looking forward to see this network growing and to establish it as a space for collective projects and mutual support.