GAIN Gender & Agency Prizes

Prize for scientific theses

The research platform GAIN - Gender: Ambivalent In_Visibilities (as successor of the research association Gender & Agency) annually awards prizes for dissertations, diploma and master theses written at the University of Vienna. The prize money for dissertations is 1,500 (one thousand fivehundered euros), for MA and diploma theses 750 (sevenhundredfifty euros).The award ceremony will take place in winter of the same year. 


Dissertations, diploma and master theses from all disciplines in the field of Gender Studies can be submitted by the authors. The procedure (incl. defensio/diploma examination) must be completed in full.
The theses must have been approved after 01.01.2014.

    Submission deadline:  31.07.2024

    Submission documents (electronic, each in separate PDF documents):

  •             Full text of the thesis
  •             Brief description of the work in max. 7,000 characters (research approach, main topics, methods, research process, results)
  •             All reviews
  •             Degree certificate
  •             Curriculum Vitae

Submission address:
Subject: GAIN Gender & Agency Prize

The winners will be announced within three months of the closing date. It is not possible to resubmit a paper already submitted in the previous year or a paper submitted to the Gender & Agency Research Network.


The spokesperson of the research platform and the GAIN members form the core jury.

Extended jury: The core jury co-opts representatives from the respective disciplines by majority vote to assess the content of the submitted work.

Chair: The spokesperson of the research platform chairs the jury of the science award.


Legal recourse is excluded.
In voting, a simple majority of votes is decisive.
In the event of a tie, the chairperson shall have the casting vote.
Voting may take place by circulation (electronically).
To further determine the procedure, the core jury may develop and enact rules of procedure.
Entrants agree to attend the award ceremony and to allow the publication of photographs of the award ceremony if the award is granted.


Note: Science prizes are not subject to income tax.