© Barbara Schaffer
Univ.-Ass.in Dr.in Susanne Hochreiter
Department of German Studies, Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies
E-Mail: susanne.hochreiter@univie.ac.at
Susanne Hochreiter is Assistant Professor of German Studies at the German Department, University of Vienna.
Her research interests include gender relations and gender constructions in literature and comics, queer theory, and comic studies. Together with Marina Rauchenbacher und Katharina Serles she currently analyzes "Visualizations of Gender in German-language Comics" in a research project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (P 31925-G30). The images and narratives of gender which comics always produce and challenge, are diverse and substantial regarding cultural, historical, and political dimensions. The project focuses on examining the conditions, properties, and structures of visualities of gender. The theoretical framework consists of image theory, visual culture as well as gender studies; central questions are: In German-language comics, how is gender depicted? Which possibilities do these comics have to visualize and narrate bodies, desire, gender, and sexualities? Which theoretical, political or aesthetic traditions do they draw from or abolish? How do they (re)produce and stabilize binary gender norms, and which opportunities for subversion do they offer?