GAIN Gender Lunch

From 2017 to 2020, Marlen Bidwell-Steiner and Eva Flicker organised Gender Lunch events for the research network "Gender and Agency". The GAIN research platform will take over this series of events. Eva Flicker and Elisabeth Holzleithner have been organising the GAIN Gender Lunches since 2022.

The event series offers the opportunity to discuss current research interests as well as exchange content, suggestions and comments from colleagues. This workshop series discussions takes place in an informal (lunch) atmosphere, so the enjoyment of food is part of the programme.

More about the Gender Lounge events from 2017 to 2020 (in german)

Past events

GAIN Gender Lunch with Georgina Nugent (Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik):
"I hate intellectual women": The Gertrude Stein effect.

Wednsday, 10. May, 12:30-2:00 pm
Institut für Rechtsphilosophie, Schenkenstraße 8-10, 4. Stock

In a 1946 interview Gertrude Stein noted that James Joyce's work had been 'accepted' while hers had not. Stein was vociferous in her opinions on Joyce, once calling him a 'third rate Irish politician', and Joyce held a similarly negative opinion of hers, and always leveraged Stein's gender as a means of relaying his insults. His infamous remark ‘I hate intellectual women’, was spoken in relation to Stein, as was his comment to Frank Budgen that ‘You have never heard of a woman who was the author of a complete philosophic system. No, and I don’t think you ever will’. While Stein's comments on Joyce have been dismissed as 'sour grapes', Joyce's comments on Stein have had a lasting negative impact on her critical reception, and legacy, particularly in relation to her male peers. Stein has, effectively, been written out of Joyce Studies and, by extension, Beckett Studies: she has been made invisible. In my talk I will provide an overview of "JOYCENSTEIN", the project I will be researching as part of my MSCA Fellowship at the University of Vienna, wherein I will conduct the first ever extended comparative study of Joyce and Stein's respective modernisms.


GAIN Gender Lunch with Emma Dowling (Department of Sociology): "Was ist das Feministische an der feministischen politischen Ökonomie?"

Thursday, 2. Juni, 1:00-2:30 pm
Seminarraum Institut Römisches Recht, Schenkenstraße 8-10, 3. Floor

Feminist Political Economy (FPE) setzt sich mit einer Bandbreite am Anliegen rund um Geschlechterverhältnissen, Wirtschaft und Politik auseinander - vom Gender Pay Gap oder die unbezahlte Arbeit im Haushalt bis hin zu alternativen Ökonomie-Ansätzen. Was ist aber das dezidiert feministische an FPE? In ihrem Vortrag wird Emma Dowling dieser Frage nachgehen und ihr “work in progress” zum Thema zur Diskussion stellen.